
look at the article page 40. read the second paragraph and try to think of what was the friend's problem. choose the prediction and find out if it is true؟

طلاب "منصة رمشة" الباحثين عن الإجابة الصحيحة لسؤال: look at the article page 40. read the second paragraph and try to think of what was the friend's problem. choose the prediction and find out if it is true بيت العلم، في منصتنا منصة رمشة تبنى أجيال وتربيها على التعلم الصحيح للمواد والمعاملات اليومية، فكل مادة لها تأثيرها على الطالب فتجعله يعي كل ما حوله جيداً ويعرف واجباته ومهامه.

look at the article page 40. read the second paragraph and try to think of what was the friend's problem. choose the prediction and find out if it is true

يجتمع في منصة رمشة معلمونا الأفاضل ليمنحونا شرف التعلم، لننهل من معرفتهم وتربيتهم وأخلاقهم، فكم من مسألة كانت صعبة أصبحت سهلة سلسة بعد شرحهم ومعرفة حلها الصحيح.

look at the article page 40. read the second paragraph and try to think of what was the friend's problem. choose the prediction and find out if it is true ؟

الحل النموذجي:

He asked for money from his friend in the shop.

Unfortunately, I cannot access and read external sources like specific pages in articles. However, I can help you approach this problem!

Here's how you can find the friend's problem and test your prediction:

Go to the article: Open the article you're interested in and turn to page 40.

Read the second paragraph: Focus on the second paragraph and pay close attention to what the friend is saying or doing. Look for clues about their situation, emotions, or challenges.

Form a prediction: Based on the information you gather, try to identify what the friend's problem might be.

Continue reading (optional): If the second paragraph isn't clear, you can continue reading a bit further to see if the problem is revealed later.

Test your prediction: Once you have a potential problem in mind, see if the following paragraphs or the rest of the conversation supports your prediction. Does the friend's behavior, actions, or further conversation align with your initial guess about their issue?

By following these steps, you can identify the friend's problem from the second paragraph and confirm (or adjust) your prediction based on the further information in the article.

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look at the article page 40. read the second paragraph and try to think of what was the friend's problem. choose the prediction and find out if it is true؟
مرحبا بكم زوار منصة رمشة، أن نقدم لكم عبر موقعنا هذا كل جديد ومفيد في كافة المجالات وكل ما تبحثون على المعلومة تلقونها في منصة رمشة الاكثر تميز وريادة للإجابة على استفساراتكم واسئلتكم وتعليقاتكم وعلينا الإجابة عليها.