
which of the following can be a topic for the reading text page 60?

طلاب "منصة رمشة" الباحثين عن الإجابة الصحيحة لسؤال: which of the following can be a topic for the reading text page 60? بيت العلم، في منصتنا منصة رمشة تبنى أجيال وتربيها على التعلم الصحيح للمواد والمعاملات اليومية، فكل مادة لها تأثيرها على الطالب فتجعله يعي كل ما حوله جيداً ويعرف واجباته ومهامه.

which of the following can be a topic for the reading text page 60?

يجتمع في منصة رمشة معلمونا الأفاضل ليمنحونا شرف التعلم، لننهل من معرفتهم وتربيتهم وأخلاقهم، فكم من مسألة كانت صعبة أصبحت سهلة سلسة بعد شرحهم ومعرفة حلها الصحيح.

which of the following can be a topic for the reading text page 60?

الحل النموذجي:

The 2030 Vision of Saudi Arabia.

Unfortunately, I cannot definitively tell you which of the following can be a topic for the reading text page 60 without more context. However, I can help you narrow it down based on the information you provided previously.

Here's what we know:

The text is in Arabic. (from previous interaction)

Page 60 might be part of a longer reading comprehension passage.

Based on these clues, let's analyze the options you provided (translated to English):

Scientific curiosity is what drives humanity forward. (This is a general statement and could be a topic for almost any page.)

The students who excel in their studies achieve better results in tests, which opens doors for them in prestigious universities and the job market. (This is more specific and could be a topic related to the importance of education or success strategies for students.)

Non-vascular plants are classified as plants without a vascular system. (This is a scientific fact and could be a sub-topic within a larger section about plant biology.)

Here's my analysis:

Option 1 is the least likely candidate for a specific page in a reading comprehension passage.

Option 2 is more likely, especially if the passage is about education or student success.

Option 3 is also a possibility, but it depends on the overall theme of the reading passage.

Therefore, based on the limited information available, Option 2 ("The importance of education or success strategies for students") seems like the most likely candidate for the topic of reading text page 60.

However, it's important to remember that this is just an educated guess. Here are some additional things to consider:

Look for clues in the surrounding pages. What were the topics discussed before page 60?

Are there any headings or subheadings on page 60 that might give you a hint?

Look at the overall theme of the reading passage. Does option 2 fit within that theme?

By considering these additional factors, you can make a more informed decision about the topic of the reading text page 60.

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which of the following can be a topic for the reading text page 60?
مرحبا بكم زوار منصة رمشة، أن نقدم لكم عبر موقعنا هذا كل جديد ومفيد في كافة المجالات وكل ما تبحثون على المعلومة تلقونها في منصة رمشة الاكثر تميز وريادة للإجابة على استفساراتكم واسئلتكم وتعليقاتكم وعلينا الإجابة عليها.